This can be very handy when you have set a group policy to display a certain background image/file.
Lefts say your group policy is configured to set everyones background to a image file called back.jpg which should be present on the client computers C drive and this file is kept in a hidden share on the server called files$.
I recommend using hidden shares as much as possible, it makes them harder to find, although you should limit network browsing via your group policies.
Right, lets get started.
Firstly, consider a message to users explaining what’s happening.
For example:
echo Copying necessary files...
Then enter the below code to actually copy the file.
copy \\SERVER\files$\back.jpg c:\back.jpg
The first time the user logs on, the desired background won’t be present as the image wasn’t there at initial logon. However, the second time they logon it will show as defined in the group policy.