Škoda Enyaq iV tips: Update sat nav home / work destinations

I’ve just moved, and thought I’d update the home address on my sat nav, but it wasn’t done how I expected it to be done, so it took me a couple of minutes to figure it out, so I thought I’d share how it’s done to save others a few minutes.

I mentioned that it wasn’t done as I would expect it to be, and the reason for this is that there’s perminant entry for home and work,

How to update the home and work destinations on the Škoda Enyaq iV sat nav

To update the Škoda Enyaq iV sat nav home and work destinations, simple follow the below steps.

Please ignore the dust in the photos, I really should have wiped the screen first 😉

1) Enter navigation

2) Select destinations and then favourites

3) Swipe from the right to the left on either the home or work item to display the delete option

4) Select the delete opion

5) Select the now empty home or work item

6) Select either ‘use position’ to use your current location, or ‘new address’ to lookup a new address

7) Find the address you want to select

8) Confirm it’s ok on the next screen and select ‘save’

That’s it, they should now be updated with a new location.

Security tip

It’s good practice to not save your actual home address in your sat nav, just in case someone steals your keys and car, as if you did use your real address, you’re just leading them to your home.

One thought on “Škoda Enyaq iV tips: Update sat nav home / work destinations”
  1. Thank you for the tip. I was stuck as the Skoda Enyaq online manual for V4 (2024 MY) does not mention swiping sideways to edit or delete a home or work location whihc I needed to change. Through your video I found it also worked on V4. Thank you again.

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