Škoda order/build status codes

2 November 2021

If you’ve ordered a new Škoda and are confused by the number status codes, then you might find the below useful:

Status codeDescription
00Assigned to factory, no production week scheduled
10Production week assigned to the vehicle, but could change
20Production week confirmed / in production (has still been known to change)
30Vehicle in transit from the factory
36Vehicle in port of exit, not released
38Vehicle in port of exit, released for shipping
39Vehicle shipped
40Vehicle arrived in port of destination country
50Vehicle tranferred to alternative port
60Vehicle in transit to dealer
70Vehicle with dealer
80Vehicle returned to port
3 thoughts on “Škoda order/build status codes”
    1. Unfortunately the dealer or Skoda customer service are the only people that can see this, so I’d check with them.

  1. ive been told by my skoda dealership yesterday my car is at status 38 so its been cleared for shipping. also been told could arrive at dealership this month (december) or early january.2023 hopefully it be december been waiting since august 2022 so much for the garanteed 13 weeks when i put pen to paper. my mate waiting a year for a vauxhall astra with no set build date.

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