Enable additional Global Catalog Server

To enable another Global Catalog Server: Open the ‘Active Directory Site and Services’ MMC (Located within the ‘Administrative Tools’ section of the Control Panel Expand the ‘Sites’ folder on the left Expand the site that you want to alter, it may be ‘Default-First-Site-Name’ if you haven’t changed it Expand the ‘Servers’ folder Expand the Server

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Enable Browsers to see XML/RSS feeds

If you want internet browsers to recognise your XML/RSS feeds as soon as a visitor reaches your website, then this article is for you. Browsers such as Internet Explorer 7 have XML/RSS functionality built in and you can make the most of this by enabling the feed button on the toolbar. To do this, all

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Problems installing QuickTime on Windows Vista?

If like us you have had problems installing QuickTime on Windows Vista, then here’s the solution: You need to register the ‘vbscript.dll’ file located in the System32 directory. Run a ‘Command Prompt’ as an Administrator (i.e. Right click on the ‘Command Prompt’ icon and select the ‘Run As Administrator’ option. When the command prompt appears,

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